A date for the second season of the animated series Fruits Basket

Last September we learned that the animated series Fruits Basket would be entitled to a season 2. And it was on the official social networks of the series that we finally learned the news: this second season will arrive in the month of next April, pile one year after the first part.

Fruits Basket fans will be particularly happy to discover this season 2, since the manga had already been entitled to a first adaptation, which did not tell the whole story. This one being rich in revelations and reversals of situations, it was still a shame to stop there. This second season is scheduled for early April in Japan.

As a reminder, Fruits Basket tells the story of Tohru, a high school girl who finds herself homeless after the death of her mother. She finds refuge with the Soma, a funny family whose two boys are in the same class as her, and will discover that they are suffering from a strange curse …. Until the second season, you can discover the manga in a nice perfect edition at Delcourt!



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