Movie : One Piece Gold

Twelfth film from the mythical world of maestro Oda, One Piece Gold takes the path initiated by the very good “Strong World” and the explosive “Z”. In short, be a faithful entertainment the original work but above all a quality adventure for our dear crew of straw hat. A rather difficult task given the particular style of the manga, and this both at the level of the plot as characters. So it is not for nothing that until the tenth realization, the new first results on rarely conclusive results. Except perhaps the friendly “The Curse of the Sacred Sword”, which, with an interesting antagonist could convince the fan base. Fortunately for our greatest pleasure, One Piece Gold bathes in quality from the beginning to the end, totally aspiring our interest during two hours of pure madness. Let’s try to know the reasons for this explosive production

The plot of it takes place some time after the victory of Luffy on the terrible Doflamingo in Dressrosa. Navigating then to new adventures, our brave captain and his friends arrive on Grantesoro, world capital of the entertainment. Casino, silver and solid gold structures seem to be the daily lot of pirates and navy personnel lugging there.

Territory free from all rules, this boat-island finally seems to be a paradise on earth. However, the real hidden face of this place will be quickly revealed … Danger, shenanigans or cheats will wait for our heroes who must necessarily come out of this hell where slavery is in fact only the key word. At first glance the plot seems classic, but in turn the latter will prove a clever mix between the madness of the bow Davy Back Fight, the dark side of the chapter Alabasta, then the team breath of Marineford part.

It is therefore not surprising to find impressive scenes and specific to each orientation mentioned above. This is the case with a race of cars like a big dose of adrenaline, highlighting our trio of shock: Luffy, Usopp and Chopper. Terribly funny, it remains only fascinating as it is worked on all points, beyond pleasant for our retinas.

It is also possible to talk about clashes that give way to a search for rhythm and visual cleanliness in their respective course. Special mention to the last which is no other than a pretext to dislocate the jaw. All sublimated by the presence of an enormously charismatic enemy with a tortured past, reminiscent of Doflamingo many times. Indeed, Gild Tesoro clearly has its place among the best opponents of the paper format.

Power of the demon reminiscent of the madness of Eiichirō, endowed with a perfect design and intentions with comprehensive results, he is a complete antagonist worked not leaving us marble. Moreover, this one will be entitled to several scenes putting it in the honor, an excellent point! The scenario, he will evolve rather easily, only he has the strength to be able to stage a multitude of characters for our greatest happiness.


Several surprises are present and it is better to discover than to detail them here. The only real defect is the end of the film, unfortunately a little too quickly sent leaving a bitter taste in the mouth … Otherwise the no-fault was amply acquired with ease. Nevertheless, One Piece Gold is simply a nugget to be savored urgently!



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