A new trailer for the animated adaptation of Dororo by Osamu Tezuka
In September we discovered the trailer of Dororo, the new adaptation in animated series of the manga of Osamu Tezuka. As a reminder, the work released in Japan in the 60s has already been entitled to a lot of adaptations, anime, film and even video games. And it is a new adaptation that is planned, with a very current graphic style. The production is supported by the studios Mappa and Tezuka Productions.
Dororo tells the story of Hyakkimaru, a boy whose forty-eight body parts were sold to so many demons. After being patched up, our teenage hero discovers psychic powers. He travels the roads of Japan with Dororo, a mischievous little thief and crosses the road of dangerous spirits.
The series is scheduled for January 7 in Japan and should arrive at the same time in Europe. And Dororo has not finished talking about him since the author Satoshi Shiki started a remake in manga.